Nicholas Guillot (Paris)
Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering of gold nanostructures: Role of dipolar and multipolar localized surface plasmons
Andrea Csaki (IPHT)
Plasmonically tuned microstructured optical fibers by nanoparticle layer deposition (NLD) technique for bioanalytical sensing
Thomas Schneider (IPHT)
Noble metal nanoparticles as optical biosensor in DNA analytics
J. Wirth (IPHT)
Long-range excitation transfer via DNA nanowire by fs laser pulse excitation of silver nanoparticles
Linda Zedler (IPHT)
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of photoactive Ru-complexes immobilized on catalytic active gold nanoparticles
Felix Rohde (Barcelona)
A localized surface plasmon sensor for early cancer detection (SPEDOC)
Norbert Jahr (IPHT)
Nanoholes as novel sensors for bioanalytic applications
Marina Gühlke (HU Berlin)
New Nanoparticulate SERS-Substrates with Magnetic Properties
Christian Pfeiffer (Marburg)
Synthesis of water dispersible silver nanoparticles with an organic solvent based method
Yuan-Fong Chau (Jung-Li, Taiwan)
Plasmonics effects of a nanodimer arising from different interfaces
Nadia Djaker (Paris)
SERS detection of biomolecules on a Single Nanometric Aperture
Daniela Drescher (HU Berlin)
Biological multiplex applications of optical nanoprobes in live cells
Ana-Maria Gabudean (Cluj-Napoca)
Silica-coated gold nanorods: synthesis, characterization and assessment of their multiple functionalities toward bioplasmonic applications
Nicholas Guillot (Paris)
SERS optimization of gold nanocylinder arrays: Influence of the Surrounding medium and application to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons detection
Jaqueline Jatschka (IPHT/Wien)
Spectroscopy of plasmonic gap-modes in a single gold nanoparticle-gold substrate system
Christian Leiterer (IPHT/Erlangen)
Optical method to precisely determine diameters of semiconductor nanowires
Markus Ochs (Marburg)
Microcapsules functionalized with Nanoparticle-Clusters for efficient cargo-release in biological systems
Brice Rolly (Marseille)
Strong influence of the emitter/particle distance on nanoantenna directivity
Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering of gold nanostructures: Role of dipolar and multipolar localized surface plasmons
Andrea Csaki (IPHT)
Plasmonically tuned microstructured optical fibers by nanoparticle layer deposition (NLD) technique for bioanalytical sensing
Thomas Schneider (IPHT)
Noble metal nanoparticles as optical biosensor in DNA analytics
J. Wirth (IPHT)
Long-range excitation transfer via DNA nanowire by fs laser pulse excitation of silver nanoparticles
Linda Zedler (IPHT)
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of photoactive Ru-complexes immobilized on catalytic active gold nanoparticles
Felix Rohde (Barcelona)
A localized surface plasmon sensor for early cancer detection (SPEDOC)
Norbert Jahr (IPHT)
Nanoholes as novel sensors for bioanalytic applications
Marina Gühlke (HU Berlin)
New Nanoparticulate SERS-Substrates with Magnetic Properties
Christian Pfeiffer (Marburg)
Synthesis of water dispersible silver nanoparticles with an organic solvent based method
Yuan-Fong Chau (Jung-Li, Taiwan)
Plasmonics effects of a nanodimer arising from different interfaces
Nadia Djaker (Paris)
SERS detection of biomolecules on a Single Nanometric Aperture
Daniela Drescher (HU Berlin)
Biological multiplex applications of optical nanoprobes in live cells
Ana-Maria Gabudean (Cluj-Napoca)
Silica-coated gold nanorods: synthesis, characterization and assessment of their multiple functionalities toward bioplasmonic applications
Nicholas Guillot (Paris)
SERS optimization of gold nanocylinder arrays: Influence of the Surrounding medium and application to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons detection
Jaqueline Jatschka (IPHT/Wien)
Spectroscopy of plasmonic gap-modes in a single gold nanoparticle-gold substrate system
Christian Leiterer (IPHT/Erlangen)
Optical method to precisely determine diameters of semiconductor nanowires
Markus Ochs (Marburg)
Microcapsules functionalized with Nanoparticle-Clusters for efficient cargo-release in biological systems
Brice Rolly (Marseille)
Strong influence of the emitter/particle distance on nanoantenna directivity