Preliminary program
Thursday, May 29

Workshop “Novel biomolecule sensing technologies” (JBCI) – Robert Möller

Speakers will include J. F. Hainfeld (Nanoprobes), M. J. Heller (Univ. California), R. D. Powell (Nanoprobes), A. Warsinke (Univ. Potsdam), T. Bachmann (Univ. Edinburgh), I. Willner (Univ. Jerusalem), Y. Mi (Univ. Hong Kong), W. Zhao (Univ. Hong Kong), U. Rant (TU München)

Visit the homepage of the JBCI-Workshop “Novel biomolecule sensing technologies”!

19:30 Come-together & dinner bufet (Scala Restaurant, Intershop Tower, 5min from hotel IBIS)
Friday, May 30
09:00 Beginn of scientific program (IPHT at Campus Beutenberg)
NUCAN - Nucleic Acid Based Nanostructures (FP6 Project Presentation)
F. F. Bier (IBMT Potsdam)

Nucleic Acid Based Nanostructures – an overview

P. E. Nielsen (Univ. Copenhagen) PNA Directed sequence addressed self-assembly of DNA nanostructures
C. M. Niemeyer (Univ. Dortmund)

Semisynthetic DNA-protein conjugates for fabrication of nucleic acid based nanostructures

A. R. Pike (Univ. Newcastle) DNA Templated Nanowires
F. F. Bier (IBMT Potsdam) Positioning of nanostructures by surface anchored DNA synthesis and molecular ink lithography
11:00 - 11:25 Coffee break / posters
A. Csaki (IPHT Jena) DNA based nanoscale constructions and their microintegration via guided self-assembly for nanoelectronic applications
G. Zuccheri (Univ. Bologna) Probing intra- and intermolecular forces on single molecules with the AFM: towards the measurement of forces holding nucleic acids nanostructures together.
M. G. Svahn (Karolinska Institute) High-throughput identification of combinatorial ligands for DNA delivery in cell culture
A. Filoramo (CEA Saclay) Carbon nanotubes devices by self assembly
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch / posters
Base quartet-based structures
J. Vesenka (Univ. New England) Comparison of Cation-stabilized and Cation-free G-wire DNA Networks
A. Kotlyar (Univ. Tel Aviv) Production of Novel DNA-Based Nanostructures for Nanoelectronics
D. Porath (Univ. Jerusalem) Scanning tunneling spectroscopy, polarizability and conductivity measurements of DNA and G4-DNA molecules
16:00 Bus departure, exkursion, dinner
Saturday, May 31
8:30 Beginn of scientific program
DNA superstructure
C. M. Erben (Univ. Oxford) DNA Polyhedra – Reconfigurable Cages
M. Tagawa (Univ. Tokyo) Strong, yet flexible DNA scaffolds for programmable assembly of nanocomponents with nanometer-scale precision
O. Gang (BNL Upton) DNA-guided Assembly of Organized Nano-Architectures
A. T. Woolley (Brigham Young Univ.) DNA-based circuit template and nanocapillary fabrication
9:45 - 10:10 Coffee break / posters
DNA Manipulation
H. Yan (Univ. Tempe) Designer DNA Architecture for Nanobiotechnology
D. Klinov (RAS Moscow) Nanoarranging and nanopositioning of DNA molecules
A. Kuzyk (Univ Jyväskylä) Dielectrophoretic Trapping of DNA Molecules and DNA Self-Assembled Structures
about 12:10 End of scientific program, lunch
C. Andersen (Univ. Aarhus)
DNA-Directed Assembly of Organic Nanostructures

N. Borokov (Univ. Tel Aviv)
Synthesis of Lomg Four-Stranded G4-DNA Nanostructures, using Avidin-Biotin System

S. Campidelli (CEA Sclay)
DNA-Templated Conductive Metallic Nanowires

C.-L. Chung (CEA Saclay)
DNA Linked to Carbon Nanotubes: Covalent Versus Non-Covalent Approach

D. Cialla (Univ. Jena)
Microfabricated SERS substrates for chip-based analytics

A. Csáki (IPHT Jena)
Microintegration of nanoscale objetcs using positive dielectrophoresis for contact-free building of nanowires

E. Friedrichs (TU München)
DNA nanodevices capable for controlled binding and release of proteins

C. Gautier (CEA Saclay)
Building of assemblies organized by DNA grafted on gold electrodes

J. Hannant (Univ. Newcastle)
Towards the production of conducting polymer-DNA hybrid nanowires

J. A. Hansen (Univ. Aarhus)
Metal Sulfide Nanoparticle Based Electrochemical Biosensors

K. K. Hering (Univ. Jena)
Particles formed by enzymatic siler deposition for DNA detection by means of SER(R)S

R. Hölzel (IBMT Potsdam)
Determination of the dielectrophoretic behaviour of DNA up to 500 MHz

R. Hölzel (IBMT Potsdam)
Electrical detection of DNA

R. Hölzel (IBMT Potsdam)
Preparation of nano-arrays by an atomic force microscope

Ch. Leiterer (IPHT Jena)
Microintegration of DNA-framework molecules using dielectrophoresis for nanoelectronic applications

I. Lubitz (univ. Tel Aviv)
New nanomaterials based on complexes of G4-DNA with intercalators

J. Müller (TU Dortmund)
Nanoscale Assembly of Semi-synthetic DNA-Enzyme Conjugates

M. M. Nielsen (Univ. Aarhus)
Assembly of a flexible DNA origami structure using a semi-automated modelling tool

A. Nishikawa (Univ. Tokyo)
Towards Multi-fueled DNA walker on DNA trails

R. Passeri (Univ. Bologna)
DNA Parallelograms as Addressable Vessels for Functional Chemical Moieties

K. Rabe (TU Dortmund)
Semi-synthetic DNA-conjugates of a thermostable P450

E. Reiß (IBMT Potsdam)
Exploiting the principle of enzymatic rolling circle amplification (RCA) for the construction of DNA nanostructures

S.-i. Tanaka (Univ. Osaka)
Synthesis of Long-template DNA Using Enzymatic Reaction for Regular Alignment of Au-nanoparticles

S.-i. Tanaka (Univ. Osaka)
Construction of Two Color Semiconductor Quantum Dots Wire by utilizing the comlementarity of DNA

A. Vinelli (Univ. Bologna)
Surface Implementation of the Hybridization Chain Reaction Towards the Enhancement of DNA Biosensors Signal

A. Wolff (IPHT Jena)
Charge pattern formation at silicon surfaces for defined biomolecule adsorption

D. Zikich (Univ. Tel Aviv)
Novel Cytosine-Based Nanostructures

Additional information
There is a related meeting focused on DNA computing:
The 14th International Meeting on DNA Computing
June 2-6, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic (approx. 4,5 hours train drive from Jena).