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Thursday, May 18th 20:00 Get together (Buffet; Scala Restaurant in Intershop tower / 5 minutes walk from Hotel IBIS or Schweiz, see downtown map) Friday, May 19th 07:45 Pick-up from Hotel IBIS (please meet at front desk) 08:00 Registration 08:30 Opening (IPHT at Campus Beutenberg, location, details) Saturday, May 20 appr. 12:10 End of the scientific program 12:15 LunchDownload flyer with complete program and all meeting informations
Biomolecular Approaches (W. Fritzsche) 08:40 N. Seeman (New York) Using Structural DNA Nanotechnology To Organize Matter abstr. 09:05 A. Bates (Liverpool) RNA-based Nanoscale Integration abstr. 09:30 L. Fruk (Dortmund) Covalent Hemin-DNA Adducts for Generating a Novel Class of Artificial Heme Enzymes abstr. 09:55 U. Sivan (Haifa) Transistor in a Test Tube and Antibodies to Semiconductors abstr. ---- coffee break / posters ---- DNA Manipulation (M. Heller) 10:45 W. Fritzsche (Jena) DNA-based Approaches for Micro-Nano Integration abstr. 11:10 C. Escude (Paris) Sequence-specific DNA Functionalization for Manipulation and Detection of Single DNA Molecules abstr. 11:35 B. Samori (Bologna) DNA Adsorption on Inorganic Surfaces and Nanostructure Growth abstr. 12:00 I.-M. Hsing (Hong Kong) Integrated Bioanalytical Microdevice Utilizing Nanoparticles abstr. ---- lunch / posters ---- DNA Superstructures and Electronics (G. Zuccheri) 13:30 A. Kotlyar (Tel Aviv) Enzymatic Synthesis of Novel Triplex DNA Nanostructures abstr. 13:55 J. Vesenka (Univ. New England) Auto-orientation of G-wire DNA Networks abstr. 14:20 M. Heller (San Diego) Parallel Assisted Self-Assembly of Multilayer DNA and Protein Nanoparticle Structures Using a CMOS Electronic Array abstr. 14:45 G. Braun (Santa Barbara) Biomolecular Routes for Nanoelectronics abstr. ---- coffee break / posters ---- DNA-Functionalization (F. Bier) 15:30 A. Woolley (B.-Young-Univ.) DNA-templated Construction of Metal, Semiconductor and Biological Nanostructures abstr. 15:55 G. Burley (Munich) Directed DNA Metallisation: Towards The Construction Of Rationally Designed, Conductive Nano Devices. abstr. 16:20 A. Filoramo (Gif/Yvette) Self-assembly of Carbon Nanotubes by Bio-directed Approach abstr. 17:00 Napoleon 1806 Battleground Excursion (bus/hike) 19:30 Thuringian Bratwurst - Dinner ("Alt Jena" at historical marketplace map)
Electrical Manipulation & Measurements (J. Vesenka) 08:30 R. Hölzel (Potsdam) Monitoring Dielectrophoretic Collection of DNA by Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy abstr. 08:55 H.-Y. Lin (Taiwan) Stretching and Positioning of Individual DNA Molecules on Electrodes by the Electrohydrodynamic Forceabstr. 09:20 J. Toppari (Jyväskylä) Dielectrophoresis of nanoscale dsDNA using metallic and CNT-electrodes: Humidity effects on dsDNA's electrical conductivityabstr. 09:45 D. Porath (Jerusalem) Electrical Transport, Polarizability and Spectroscopy Measurements through DNA Molecules and Derivatives using Conductive AFM and STM abstr. ---- coffee break ---- Novel Approaches & Modern Techniques (B. Samori) 10:30 H. Yan (Tempe) Experimental Progress on DNA-based Self-assembly of Nanostructures abstr. 10:55 D. Klinov (Lausanne) High-resolution Atomic-Force Imaging of DNAabstr. 11:20 cancelled: H. Stadler (Veeco) Manipulation of Biological Surfaces at the Nanoscale: Prerequisites, Developments, Examples abstr. 11:45 N. Amro (NanoInk) DNA Nanoarrays Printed via Dip Pen Nanolithography for High Sensitivity Bioanalysis abstr.
Fabrication of nanoparticle chains with rolling circle amplification S. Beyer (Munich) abstr.
Positioning and decoration of DNA with semiconducting conjugated polyelectrolytesP. Björk (Linköping) abstr.
Self-Assembled Supramolecular Polymers Made of DNA ParallelogramsM. Brucale (Bologna) abstr.
Atomic-force imaging of DNA on graphite and mica surfacesB. Dwir (Lausanne) abstr.
Specific metal deposition onto immobilized metal nanoparticles studied on the single particle levelG. Festag (Jena) abstr.
Nanocrystals Coated with an Amphiphilic Polymer Shell: A route to water soluble nanocrystals of different ShapesP.-Y. Li (Munich) abstr.
Synthesis of monofunctionalized nanoparticles by using poly(ethylene glycol)Cheng-an J. Lin (Munich) abstr.
DNA templates and carbon nanotubes non-covalent linkage S. Lyonnais (Gif/Yvette) abstr.
A New Triple Crossover Triangle (TXT) Motif for Higher Order DNA Architecture Y. Mi (Hong Kong) abstr.
Controlled DNA Synthesis and Construction K. Mir (Oxford) abstr.
Kinetic study of semisynthetic DNA-enzyme conjugates J. Müller (Dortmund) abstr.
DNA-Templated Metallic Nanowires K. Nguyen (Gif/Yvette) abstr.
Electrically Switchable DNA Layers U. Rant (Munich)
Rolling circle amplification for spatially directed synthesis of a solid phase anchored ssDNA molecule E. Reiß (Potsdam) abstr.
Fabrication of microelectrodes by self-organization of metal enhancement seedsT. Schüler (Jena) abstr.
Selective Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes by Biological Compounds S. Streiff (Gif/Yvette) abstr.
Adsorption and Surface Dynamics of short DNA and LNA oligonucleotides on Single-Crystal Au(111) Electrode H. Wackerbarth (Lyngby) abstr.
Charge pattern formation at silicon surfaces for defined biomolecule adsorption A. Wolff (Jena) abstr.