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Program of the Workshop

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Thursday, May 23th

19:30 Get-together (Scala Restaurant (WWW)- Intershop Tower / North Entrance, Downtown)

Friday, May 24th

09:00 Opening (IPHT at the Campus Beutenberg)

09:10 N. Seeman (New York University) DNA Nanotechnology abstr.
09:35 C.Dekker (Delft University Single-Molecule Electronics, from Carbon Nanotubes to DNA abstr.
10:00 M. Taniguchi (Osaka University) Development of electronic devices based on DNA abstr.
10:25 ---- coffee break ----
11:00 W. Fritzsche (IPHT Jena) A construction scheme for a SET device based on self-assembly of DNA and nanoparticles abstr.
11:25 C. Keating (Penn State University) DNA-directed assembly of metal nanowires abstr.
11:50 K. Williams (Delft University) DNA-mediated Self-Assembly of Nanodevices abstr.
12:15 ---- lunch break ----
13:30 M. Washizu (Kyoto University) Molecular Manipulation of DNA and Its Applications abstr.
13:55 F. Bier (Fraunhofer Inst. Potsdam) Nanometer addressable lateral surface structuring by use of nucleic acids abstr.
14:20 O. Harnack (Sony Stuttgart) Self-Assembly Driven Fabrication of Metallised DNA Nanowires and Their Electrical Properties abstr.
14:45 ---- coffee break ----
15:15 M. Mertig (University Dresden) Biomimetic fabrication of metallic nanowires and networksabstr.
15:40 S. Diez (MPI Dresden) Handling and Manipulation of single DNA-molecules by Kinesin driven microtubules abstr.
16:05 C. Niemeyer (University Bremen) Semisynth. DNA-Protein Conjugates: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications in NanoBiotechnology abstr.

16:30 Poster Session:

K.El-Salam (Agricult. Res.Center, Egypt) Effect of Gel Matrics on Characterization of F. oxysp. and F. oxysp. f.sp vasainvectum by RAPD Analysis abstr.
L. Franca (Munich University) The Combination Of AFM And Laser-Based Microdissection As A Tool For Molecular Biology abstr.
L. Lie (Newcastle University) On-chip solid phase DNA synthesis on semiconductor abstr.
R. Möller (IPHT Jena) Surface-immobilized DNA constructs probed by electrical resistivity abstr.
S. Patole (Newcastle University) DNA synthesis on silicon: An STM study abstr.
A. Sondermann (IPHT Jena) Assembly of G-quartet based DNA superstructures (G-wires)abstr.
G.-J. Zhang (IPHT Jena) Studies of an optical detection of DNA constructs based on nanoparticles and silver enhancement abstr.
G. Zuccheri (University Bologna) A Direct Measure of the Ergodicity of the Small-Scale Dynamics of DNAabstr.

17:00 Excursion

18:30 Thuringian Bratwurst - Dinner (IPHT)

Saturday, May 25

08:30 B. Samori (Bologna University) Recognition of the DNA sequence by an inorganic crystal surface abstr.
08:55 A. Pike (Newcastle University) Integrating DNA With Semiconductor Materials abstr.
09:20 J. Burmeister (Bayer AG) SNP Analysis by Direct Electrical Detection abstr.
09:45 P. Nielsen (Copenhagen University) Structure and Recognition Properties of Peptide Nucleic Acids abstr.
10:10 G. von Kiedrowski (University Bochum) Nanobots - just science fiction? abstr.
10:35 ---- coffee break ----
11:00 J. Vesenka (College of New England) Construction and Examination of "G-wire" DNA abstr.
11:25 P. de Wolf (Veeco Instruments Scanning Probe Microscopes for Imaging and Manipulation of DNA abstr.
11: 50 M. Guthold (Wake Forest University Novel Methodology to identify single aptamer molecules abstr.
12:15 A. Woolley (Brigham Young University) DNA Alignment, Characterization and Nanofabrication on Surfaces abstr.

appr. 12:40 End of the scientific program

12:45 Lunch